I have two dog that need to be rescued - $1

I have two dog that need to be rescued I have two dog that need to be rescued
I have two dog that need to be rescued I have two dog that need to be rescued
I have two dog that need to be rescued I have two dog that need to be rescued
I have two dog that need to be rescued I have two dog that need to be rescued

I would like to either find a loving home or a rescue group for my two dogs I am unable to care for them due to mental health problems unfortunately with in the last two month ive endured and gone through some traumatic events..I have a male puppy his breed is American bully and around the age of 5 or 6 months of age and he has not been to a vet …he belonged to my ex that abandoned him with me and since then I’ve been struggling to care for him ,the second dog is female her name is Lucy house trained and 5 years old she gets along with all animals and she would make a wonderful pet for a first time owner…if your interested or know of a rescue please contact through or by text 9055889717 Location :Brampton Thank you

Offered By: Owner


905588 905-588-9717

Brampton, ON, L6V3H3, Mississauga / Peel Region

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