Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated - $850

Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated
Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated
Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated Golden Retriever Female Darla Vaccinated

We need to find darla a new home our other dog is having a hard time adjusting . Has First shots and deworming, she is very smart listens very well.We have already got her going outside and walking on leash. My kids love her, but it is too much for my youngest to handle with allergies.Unfortunately because she truly is a sweet girl. We would like to find someone who has time to give her. She loves kids and being outdoors. She has been raised with cats and is very gentle. If you would like to adopt her we are more than happy to meet first if she is a good fit for you. She is available until we mention. She is sold in our ad (647) 576-3348

Offered By: Owner


(647) - 647-576-3348

Toronto, ON M6S 3N8, City of Toronto

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