10 signs in your pet indicating the need to go to the vet, now!

To help you to closely monitor the health of your pet and quickly detect disease indices at it, here's a list of 10 warning signs indicating that it would be best to consult your veterinarian quickly. For some of these examples, the common response is this: "I'll still see a bit, see if it gets worse." The wait "a little" could make a significant difference in the cure or the life expectancy of your pet.In this sense, the following signs should be taken seriously.

1. Your pet does not eat

Bichon Frise

He has not eaten at all since 24 or eat less since last week? Check. This is a vague symptom because it can arise from a multitude of problems, but this is an alarm signal.

2. Your pet has lost weight

brown Labrador

You have not changed your diet, eat with appetite and does not exercise more, but losing weight anyway? Your pet should be seen by a veterinarian without delay. Weight loss can be caused, among others, by a chronic disease, a hormonal problem or a tumor.

3. Your pet suddenly drinking more water

Labrador who drinks water

If this is the case, you might also observe that much urine. This is a symptom of several conditions that must be taken seriously, such as diabetes, kidney problems and thyroid problems.

4. Your pet has difficulty urinating or no urine


The urine carries waste from the body outside the body. If your pet is not urine, it will quickly become very ill, death usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours. It is therefore advisable to consult as soon as you notice that your pet urine within large quantities, urine more often or seems uncomfortable when urine.

5. Your pet has blood in his urine

Dog on the grass

Beyond urinary infection on your mind immediately as cause blood in the urine may be due to an immune disease that destroys red blood cells, tumors, stones in the urinary tract or kidney failure . Sometimes this symptom is intermittent, so disappears then reappears after a few weeks or months. More you consult early in the process, the better the chances of helping your pet.

6. Your pet has labored breathing

Hot dog

If your dog or cat is breathing faster than usual, his breathing is different (more or wheezing with râlements), it seems to work harder than normal to breathe (you notice that his skin hollow between her ribs when it inspires) or cat breathes mouth open, it is urgent to consult. Respiratory distress is mostly caused by a heart or lung problem. Other causes are possible, such as poisoning rodenticides (rat poison), for example, but in any case, do not procrastinate your visit to the vet if your pet this symptom.

7. Your pet coughs

signs warning dog animal coughs

In dogs, sometimes cough is caused by a bacterial or viral respiratory infection (kennel cough), which is easily treated, usually. It is also possible that your pet is in the process of developing a heart problem, it has a fungal lung infection, tumor, inflammatory disease, parasites in the lungs or a foreign body (such as a blade of grass) stuck in the throat. So it is best not to delay to see when your pet coughing for over a week

8. Your pet is vomiting and / or diarrhea

The presence of either of these persistent symptoms for more than a day or two of these symptoms occurring simultaneously, tells you it's time for a visit to your veterinarian.
Know that dehydration occurs more quickly and more severely if vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea, so it is wise to consult promptly. More your pet is small, it is young or old (it is considered geriatric animals over 7 years), plus the impact on her health may be severe.

9. Your pet is unconscious

brown dog

It is imperative to check as soon as possible if this is caused by an imbalance of blood glucose, calcium, sodium or potassium, for a heart problem, respiratory, neurological or by a tumor. Do not wait for a recurrence before reacting. Of course, it is not an exhaustive list of reasons for consultation.Your veterinarian is your ally to ensure the health of your pets, do not hesitate to ask for its expertise. Obviously it costs money to use its services. But do not forget that prevention is sometimes your best investment. When in doubt, better to be safe than to neglect the health of your companion.

10. Your pet has black stools


This indicates that there is presence of bleeding in his digestive system: the digested blood that gives the color black (like tar). This can be caused by ulcers, bleeding problem, a bacterial infection, the presence of intestinal worms, tumors, poisoning rodenticides (rat poison) and several other conditions. There may also be blood in vomit, which is also an immediate reason for consultation.

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